ISO22716 GMP
Manufacturing Facility


Manufacture of differentiated derma cosmetic products

  • Dermocosmetic Manufacture of Differentiated Derma Cosmetic Products

    Through the development of patented raw materials and derma formulations,
    Nayea cosmetic is producing derma cosmetic products that find a fundamental solution to
    skin concerns and restore healthy skin. We manufacture hypoallergenic cosmetics that
    can be used for sensitive skin, trouble skin as well as skin without troubles, and use safe,
    highly absorbent raw materials necessary for skin soothing, moisturizing,
    and skin barrier strengthening, which are the basis of derma cosmetics.

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  • Technology Use of ion Mineral Water

    All products are made of ion mineral water developed by Nayea Cosmetic Research Center.
    The efficacy of minerals that cannot be naturally absorbed is maximized by
    increasing its absorption power through a patented method.
    (Ion Calcium, Ion Magnesium, Ion Zinc, Ion Manganese)

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Contact Us

Nayea Cosmetic is an innovative venture company that
manufactures differentiated derma cosmetics and certified vegan and halal products
using development know-how accumulated over many years and its own patented raw materials.

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Our Work

We aim to create value beyond expectations through ceaseless efforts to
develop products for a beautiful and healthy life of our customers,
including derma cosmetics and health functional foods.

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